Submarine Canyons

BEAMS Program – Student Research Posters

Geomorphology of Puerto Rico’s Southern Continental Margin

Anna D’Agostino and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2023 US Hydro Meeting, Mobile, AL)posterTN


The Santa Cruz Basin: A Study of Slope-Origin and Shelf-Origin Canyons

McHenry Jackson and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2022 Ocean Sciences Mtg. – virtual and 2022 BEAMS Symposium)



Characterizing Canyon Geomorphologies within Currituck Submarine Landslide Complex, Mid-Atlantic U.S. Continental Margin

Jordan James and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2022 BEAMS Symposium, Charleston)



Submarine Canyon Geomorphologic Characterization on Browns Bank off the Scotian Shelf

Shelby Maier and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2022 BEAMS Symposium, Charleston)



Geomorphological Analysis of the DeSoto Valley, Northeast Gulf of Mexico

Kory Rayburg and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2021 – not presented)



Comparing Seabed Geomorphology at Several Methane Seeps Found Along the North Carolina –Virginia Margin

Noah Katz and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego)



Comparison of Submarine Canyons Along Portions of the Eastern North American Continental Margin

Lydia Heath and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2020 – not presented)



Geomorphologic Characterization of Recent and Pre-Existing Slump Features at Campeche Escarpment

Skye Pelliccia and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR)



Substrate Classification of Puerto Rico’s Northern Continental Slope Submarine Canyons

Caroline Bradley and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR)



Campeche Escarpment Submarine Canyon Geomorphic Characterization

Wesley Tucker and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2017 US Hydro Conference, Galveston)



Geomorphology of Submarine Canyons and Related Slope Features along the Western New England Continental Margin, USA

Kristine Rollings, Sonja Tyson, and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2014 CARIS Conference, Brest, France)


Geomorphology of Submarine Canyons and Related Slope Features along the Eastern New England Continental Margin, USA

Isadora Kratchman, Seema Shah, and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2014 CARIS Conference, Brest, France)


Bathymetric Study of Four Submarine Canyons on the Southern Edge of Georges Bank

Savannah Norvell and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2013 US Hydro Meeting, New Orleans)



Geomorphologic Analysis of Baltimore and Wilmington Canyons on the United States Mid-Atlantic Slope

Samantha Bruce and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2013 US Hydro Meeting, New Orleans)



Bathymetric Analysis of the Southern Portion of the Mid-Atlantic U.S. Continental Margin

Per Lorentzen, Samir Younes, and Dr. Leslie Sautter (2013 US Hydro Meeting, New Orleans)
