2023 BEAMS Symposium – Presentations

2023 BEAMS Symposium

April 20-22, Charleston, SC


The second BEAMS Symposium featured 12 poster presentations, as well as 7 oral presentations by BEAMS students, shown below. In addition, representatives from 13 different companies or agencies gave lightening talks, oral presentations, and keynote addresses.


Geomorphic Characterization Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of the Azores Plateau

Alexandra Boyington and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Geomorphologic Characterization of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Victoria C. Edwards and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Comparison of Seabed Features within the Azores and Nearby Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Kate Leturgez and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Comparative Geomorphology of Mid-Ocean Ridge Segments in the Central Atlantic

Eneko D. Sancho and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Comparative Geomorphology of Axis-Parallel Ridges Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Northwest of the Azores

Ava M. Stewart and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Mid-Atlantic Ridge Geomorphology at Kurchatov Fracture Zone

Eric Wehmeyer and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Geomorphology of Puerto Rico’s Southern Continental Margin

Anna D’Agostino and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Geomorphic Analysis of Mid-Cayman Rise’s Mount Dent and Northeast Seamount

Gabrielle Salzer and Dr. Leslie Sautter


Tectonic Features West of Gorda Ridge, Northeast Pacific

Brenton Williams and Dr. Leslie Sautter



Student Oral Presentations

Bailey Horn – “Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: A Case Study in the Stono Inlet, SC”

Miles Thompson & Cat Wells – “Analyzing Types of Hard Bottom Using CARIS/SIPS”

Eryn Faggart – “3D Characterization of Reef-Top Features in the Mesophotic Zone of the Northern Gulf of Mexico”

McHenry Jackson & Max Zolliger – “Object Change Workflow in ArcGIS Pro and Fledermaus”

Abby Satterwhite – “A First Look Into NOAA Expedition Dive Movies and the CofC ‘Explore the Seafloor’ Website”

Shelby Maier – “Geomorphology of Shipwreck Coast on Lake Michigan”

Jacob Stock – “Bathymetric Exploration of Cape Newenham and Goodnews Bay in the Bering Sea”


Industry/Government Professionals’ Lightening Talks

Eric Quirk – Oceaneering

Kyle Ward – NOAA Coast Survey

David Neff – eTrac/Woolpert

Ransom White – Blue Dot Geohydrographic

Bailey Horn – USACE

Ben Holden – OARS

Jim Posda – GEL Engineering, LLC

Cheryl Glang – RTB Fairwinds

Rebekah Gossett – Geodynamics

Emily Crum – NOAA Ocean Exploration

Christina Maschmeyer – 3D at Depth

Straud Armstrong – Hypack

Lydia Heath – Echo81


Keynote Speakers

Neah Baechler (Saildrone, BEAMS Alumna) – “Autonomy in Global Ocean Mapping”

David Neff (eTrac/Woolpert) – “Responsibility of Innovation”


Industry/Government Oral Presentations

Alexandra Dawson (NOAA OCS, BEAMS Alumna) – “The Nation’s Chartmaker: Mapping the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)”

Marc Fortner (QPS) – “QPS: What do we do?”

Jordan James (Prudent Engineering, BEAMS Alumna) – “A Day in the Life: Hydrographic Services at Prudent Engineering”

Amanda Bittinger (Sunset Hydrographic) – “Exploring with OceanX”

Jennifer Kist (USACE, BEAMS Alumna) – “The Uses of Multispectral Backscatter and other band differencing techniques in the Army Corps of Engineers”


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